★ 24ways: Responsive Enhancement by Jeremy Keith

Tools and technologies come and go, but one thing has remained constant for me over the past decade: progressive enhancement.
Progressive enhancement isn’t a technology. It’s more like a way of thinking. Instead of thinking about the specifics of how a finished website might look, progressive enhancement encourages you to think about the fundamental meaning of what the website is providing. So instead of thinking of a website in terms of its ideal state in a modern browser on a nice widescreen device, progressive enhancement allows you to think about the core functionality in a more abstract way.

Performance matters

Performance matters! Nice collection with a lot of resources that help you build lightning fast websites. Definitely one for the bookmarks!

The new Apple: relaxed, playful, and trying to kill Google

The next great wave of technological disruption isn’t going to be larger phones or smaller tablets, it’s going to be a universe of sensors embedded in the world around us that connect to apps on our devices and databases in the cloud, and every company in tech is scrambling to own the platform that unlocks and enables this so-called internet of things.

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Unser Netz soll schöner werden (FAZ)

Weder Regierungen noch Internetunternehmen sind hinreichend vertrauenswürdige Instanzen, um bestimmen zu können, was wir im Netz lesen, sehen, schreiben dürfen. Constanze Kurz, Chaos Computer Club