No More Sharecropping!

Own your data. Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.Shane Becker

Das sollte man sich in Zeiten von Facebook, Twitter, & co immer wieder vor Augen halten: Der beste Platz zum Veröffentlichen von eigenen Webinhalten ist und bleibt die eigene Website! Punkt!

Andernfalls gibt man die Kontrolle, was mit den eigenen Inhalten passiert, in die Hände von Firmen wie Facebook, Google, Twitter, WordPress & Co. Wird der Dienst irgendwann eingestellt, sind die geschrieben Artikel für niemanden mehr zu erreichen.

Taking your talent to the Web

I wrote this book in 2001 for print designers whose clients want websites, print art directors who’d like to move into full–time web and interaction design, homepage creators who are ready to turn pro, and professionals who seek to deepen their web skills and understanding. (…) While browser references and modem speeds may reek of 2001, much of the advice about transitioning to the web still holds true.
Jeffrey Zeldman

Written in 2001 and still a good read!

Fuck. That. Shit.

If I want to quote something from another URL, I will do it. I’ll use a blockquote element of course, but I will not be told what markup and JavaScript I must include on my site.
Jermey Keith (@adactio)

Why passwords have never been weaker

Generate a unique password for every account that contains any personally identifying information about you. Change your password at least once every six months, and more often for your most sensitive accounts or after you’ve used a network you don’t trust. Change your password immediately if you learn the site it’s used to access has been breached. When signing in to websites, try to use a login URL that begins with “https.
Ars Technica

Startups, this is how design works

Companies like Apple are making design impossible for startups to ignore. (…) But what is ‘design’ actually? Is it a logo? A WordPress theme? An innovative UI? It’s so much more than that. It’s a state of mind. It’s an approach to a problem. It’s how you’re going to kick your competitor’s ass. This handy guide will help you understand design and provide resources to help you find awesome design talent.

I Am Not a Web Designer

We need to get away from defining ourselves as the core service we provide. Yes, some of what we do may well be web design, but if we can define ourselves in the terms potential clients understand then they’re more likely to hire us.