Zitat von Brad Frost

RWD Quicktip: Don’t wait for the perfect moment to make your site, product or service mobile friendly. It will never come. Keep the big picture in mind, but look for low hanging fruit and other opportunities to slowly-but-surely create a great mobile experience.
Brad Frost – This Is Responsive: #4 (Newsletter)

Responsive web design: a project-management perspective

After you first experiment with Media Queries and find out how easy they are to use, you may start thinking about some of your favourite web sites, and imagine how they would be made responsive. You may suddenly find yourself thinking that everything should be responsive; hell, you would make your family and friends responsive if you could!
But you need to take a step back, and exercise restraint: depending on the context and purpose of a project, it might be better to not go down the responsive route at all, or at least limit it. (…)

Wie viel kostet Responsive Webdesign?

In unserem Gemeinschaftsblog “Things We Learned” habe ich zusammen mit meinen Kollegen Holger Bartel und Tom Arnold einen ziemlich guten englischen Artikel mit Genehmigung des Autors Brad Frost ins deutsche übersetzt.

Wie viel kostet Responsive Webdesign?

Hier ein kleiner Ausszug:

In der Tat kostet Responsive Webdesign mehr als … gar nichts zu tun. Natürlich könnte man weiterhin Websites erstellen wie bisher und dabei die Unmenge an Geräten ignorieren, die bereits heute oder in naher Zukunft Zugang zum Internet haben. Aber wir schreiben das Jahr 2012, und heutzutage sollte eine Website zumindest ein kleinwenig die mobile Benutzung berücksichtigen, bestenfalls sollte man sie sogar komplett dafür optimieren.

Google empfiehlt Responsive Webdesign

Warum? Deshalb…

  • Using a single URL for a piece of content makes it easier for your users to interact with, share, and link to your content, and a single URL for the content helps Google’s algorithms assign the indexing properties for the content.
  • No redirection is needed for users to get to the device-optimized view, which reduces loading time. Also, user-agent-based redirection is error-prone and can degrade your site’s user experience (see “Pitfalls when detecting user-agents” section for details).
  • Responsive web design saves resources for both your site and Google’s crawlers. For responsive web design pages, any Googlebot user-agents needs to crawl your pages once, as opposed to crawling multiple times with different user-agents, to retrieve your content. This improvement in crawling efficiency can indirectly help Google index more of the site’s contents and keep it appropriately fresh.

Link zum Orginalartikel: Google recommends responsive design!

Client Centric Web Design

Paul Boag’s Podcast Season 3: Client Centric Web Design

This series of posts, accompanying podcast and ebook feel like the most significant I have released in my 6 years of blogging. They are the culmination of 18 years as a web designer and tackle a disturbing trend that has emerged within the web design community. They also represent my personal ‘manifesto’ (yes I know that sounds pretentious) for working as a web designer.

I bought the E-Book and it is fantastic! I can just recommend it to read if you are working as Web Designer.