How to get Tweet Nest back to work again?

Since Twitter changed their API to the latest version v1.1, my favorite Twitter backup tool Tweet Nest was not working anymore. Thanks to Victor Jacobs there is now a fixed version of Tweet Nest available. Follow the steps below:

  1. Download a fixed version of Tweet Nest (ZIP file) (more Details here)
  2. Before doing anything else on the server: Backup your old database used with Tweet Nest! (just in case something will go wrong)
  3. Move all old files on your server to a „backup“ folder. For example you will need some stuff from your /inc/config.php later
  4. Upload all files of the downloaded and fixed version of Tweet Nest from above.
  5. Point your browser to the setup.php file. If you get any errors, your config.php is probably not writable. Change that via your FTP client. Fill out the needed parameters (have a look at your old config.php for your database data).
  6. Go to and if everything worked correctly Tweet Nest loads all missed tweets since the API has changed.

Here we go. Tweet Nest works again :-)